flag PolandActive Citizens Fund – National


The ACF-National is designed to respond to the challenges and needs of civil society in Poland. It’s objective is to contribute to strengthening active citizenship and the greater empowerment of vulnerable groups, as well as the enhanced sustainability of civil society.

Areas of support

The ACF-National Poland will seek to support projects in the following priority areas:

  • Engaging citizens in public affairs and social activities – €9.3 mill.
  • Protection of human rights and equal treatment  – €5.97 mill.
  • Strengthening vulnerable groups – €5.94 mill.
  • Development of the civil sector (sectoral projects) – €5.27 mill.


Outcome 1 Increased citizen participation in civic activities. The projects funded under Outcome 1 seek to increase public participation and catalyse involvement of citizens in civic activities, improve trust in democratic processes and trust among citizens, address social polarization, raise ecological awareness among Poles, and strengthen mechanisms for communication across differences.

Outcome 2: Increased support for human rights and anti-discriminatory practice. Support under Outcome 2 is provided for projects focusing on education on human rights and equal treatment, awareness raising campaigns designed to sensitize public opinion to different forms and aspects of discrimination against minorities and vulnerable groups, women’s rights, gender inequality and gender-based violence as well as for fact-checking and dismantling of “fake news” about minority groups.

Outcome 3: Increased empowerment of vulnerable groups. Support under Outcome 3 is provided for community-based activities, as well as the self-help and self-organisation of vulnerable groups, for projects designed to encourage people at risk of exclusion to adopt proactive attitudes and to provide them with opportunities to get involved in decision-making in the most relevant forms and methods of service provision.

Outcome 4: Enhanced capacity and sustainability of civil society. Support under Outcome 4 is channeled through support for sectoral projects, pre-defined projects and an up to 20% of extra project grant earmarked for capacity building of individual project promoters across all outcomes in order to improve their performance, enhance outreach and sustain project results.

Structure of program

Small grants up to EUR 25 000. An additional grant of up to EUR 5 000 is given for capacity building elements in the projects and up to EUR 5 000 for cooperation with Donor State entities. 

Large grants up to EUR 62,500. An additional grant of up to EUR 12,500 (but not more than 20% of grant) is given for capacity building and up to EUR 12,500 for cooperation with Donor State entities.

Grants for civil sector development up to EUR 125 000. An additional grant of up to EUR 12,500 (but not more than 20% of grant) is given for capacity building and up to EUR 12,500 for cooperation with Donor State entities.

Bilateral cooperation

The ACF-National will promote development of bilateral cooperation with Norwegian entities. Means of support for bilateral cooperation are:

  • meetings for organisations interested in establishing or strengthening cooperation with entities from Norway;
  • study visits for Project Promoters to organisations and institutions related to thematic areas in Norway;
  • workshops and meetings for Project Promoters to share knowledge and experience in thematic areas with representatives from Norway in Poland.

Fund operator

Stefan Batory Foundation in cooperation with Centre for Social Innovation and Research “Shipyard” and Academy of Civil Organizations Foundation.

Batory Foundation
Sapieżyńska 10a
00-215 Warszawa
tel.: (+48) 22 536 02 00
fax: (+48) 22 536 02 20

Centre for Social Innovation and Research “Shipyard”
Plac Zamkowy 10
00-277 Warszawa
tel.: (+48) 22 827 01 05
fax: (+48) 22 827 01 25

Academy of Civil Organizations Foundation
tel.: 22 550 28 10
tel.:  664 098 691

Resources and more information

Website of the Active Citizens Fund – National in Poland

Further information on the EEA and Norway Grants in Poland